Source code quality management
Having a source code analyzer tool is not enough to guarantee the source code quality in the long run. Unless quality control of the source code is an integral part of the day-to-day development process, any flare-up based on the individual initiative will be short-lived. It is a common phenomenon that software development companies begin to use source code analyzing tools in the troughs of their workloads, but in most cases, the use only lasts until the next peak arrives. The exception is the few who understand that the continuous and proactive management of source code quality also contributes to these peaks and troughs' mitigation.
Of course, integrating something new into an already established process is not an easy task to do. All the more so since there is no universal recipe for source code quality management, just bad and best practices. Going through it alone, without being aware of the pitfalls involves risks of not getting to the end of it at all. Among other things, consideration should be given to the technological environment, development and testing processes, users, roles and permissions, individual interests and counter interests, motivational elements, etc.
As part of our service, we assess the current development and testing processes of the organization, identify the various actors, and based on the experience gained over many years in numerous projects, we make suggestions for improving technologies and processes that will eventually make source code quality management an integral part of your software development.
Contact us for more information!